Monday 4 May 2020

May 5th - 8th

Good morning boys and girls.
I can't believe it is May already. We should be doing our artwork for your First Communion 2nd class, this week. However, as you will know by now, we have been told that we will not be back at school before September now. This is very disappointing. I miss seeing your faces in the mornings. We will have to continue with this way of learning for the rest of the school year.
Thank you to all of you who have been in touch with me via email. It is lovely to hear from you and to see how you are getting on with your work. Please continue to stay in touch and send me pictures of your work and I will reply to you. Here is your work for the week.

Reading - 1st class - your next reading book is on the CJFallon website - click on 1st class, English, Rainbow Stage 2, The School Trip - Core Reader 3, online book and read pages 4 - 7
              - 2nd class - page 35 - 38
Tables - revise all addition tables
English in Practice - page 62 &63
Mental Maths - Week 32
Spellings for both classes - off, huff, cliff, stiff, yell, smell, house, know
              extra for 2nd class - puff, stuff, coffee, toffee, chill, silly, sound, tube
For those on a different spelling list - bone, cone, tone, zone, scone, stone, drone, clone
Put some of these words in sentences.
SESE - Science - CJFallon website - 1st class - Small World - pg 84 - Irish Wildflowers
                                                                                                 - pg 85 - Summer
            -  Write out the flowers and draw pictures. Write out the sentences about Summer and to challenge yourself write a few sentences of your own about Summer.
Art - Draw and colour or paint a vase with some of the Irish Wildflowers in it. You could even make some of the flowers using egg cartons and pipe cleaners or straws if you want to. It all depends on what you have in your house.

For extra reading try these websites -

PE - Get some exercise and fresh air especially when the weather is nice, its up to you what kind. Skipping, throwing and catching a ball, kicky-ups, walking, running, cycling.

As always, be kind, be nice to each other, be helpful and above all stay safe.
Katrina Coyne

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