Sunday 10 May 2020

May 11th - 15th

Hello boys and girls,
I hope you are all well. I want to say thank you and well done to all of you who sent work to me this week. I have responded to all of you and I hope you found my feedback useful.

Work for this week is as follows:
Reading  - 1st class - pages 8 - 12
               - 2nd class - pages 39 - 43
Tables - Revise all addition tables
English in Practice - pages 64 & 65
Mental Maths - Week 33
Spellings - Both classes - mess, chess, dress, unless, kiss, grass, moss, Swiss
                - 2nd class - gossip, hissed, lesson, tissue, about, begin, floor, spoke

For those on a different spelling list - dine, fine, line, mine, nine, pine, vine, wine.
SESE - CJFallon website -
                      - Small World - 1st class - page 90. Science - Common Irish Birds.
Draw out and write the names of the birds.
                                                             - page 91. Geography - Talk about the new words at the top of the page. Write out the words and try to draw pictures for the words(I do know this will be hard, so just do a few). For anyone that is able to print off the pages, label the picture.
SPHE - CJFallon website - 2nd class - SPHE - Mindful Matters 2 - page 21 - Feeling Safe.
                                          - talk about the pictures - what makes you feel safe/unsafe. Draw a picture of a place where you feel safe and maybe write why it makes you feel this way.
Art - Draw or paint a picture of your favourite bird OR you could let your imagination run wild and draw or paint a picture of a completely imaginary bird.
I look forward to seeing some of your work later on in the week. Apologies if I don't respond on the same day but I will respond as soon as I can.
As always, be good, be kind, be helpful and keep staying safe.
Mrs. Katrina Coyne

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