Sunday 17 May 2020

May 18th - 22nd

Good morning boys and girls,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Well done on another week of 'distance learning'. Thank you to all of you who sent me work and other activities that you have been doing. I love hearing your stories and what you are getting up to. I'm looking forward to hearing from you all again later on in the week.
Here is your work for this week.
Reading - 1st class - pages 13 - 17
              -  2nd class  - pages 44 - 48
Tables - revise all subtraction tables
English in Practice - pages 66 & 67
Mental Maths - Week 34
Spellings - both classes - red, led, bled, fled, liked, cooked, played, walked.
                - extra for 2nd class - lifted, needed, skated, wanted, after, blood, pole, site.
Write sentences for some of the words.
For those on a different spelling list - chat, chap, chip, chin, chew, chop, chum, chug.
For those on a different reading book - read the next 5 pages
SESE - CJFallon website - 1st class Small World - page 92 Egyptian Hieroglyphics  - read
                                                                               - page 93 Use the Hieroglyphics to write your own name, perhaps the names of people in your family. Try writing a sentence using them.
                                                                               - page 95 Animals in hot and cold places - read and write out the sentences. If you would like to do extra work, you could research another animal e.g. camel and write about it.
SPHE - CJFallon website - 2nd class - Mindful Matters 2 - pg 22 - Talk about what the child being bullied in each picture should do.
If anyone wants to do some Irish(there is no pressure to do this), you can stay on the CJFallon website, click on 1st class - Gaeilge - Leigh sa Bhaile - Leigh sa Bhaile A - pg 23 - oral work, if children want to draw the pictures and write the sentence.
Parents - just a reminder, if the work is causing any undue stress to your child or to you, leave it. The last thing we want is for families to be more stressed than they already are as these are very stressful times. Have a good week. Stay safe.
Mrs. Katrina Coyne

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