Sunday 26 April 2020

Good Morning

Good morning boys and girls. I hope you had a nice weekend. How did you get on with the work last week? I am putting up some work for the week.

Reading - 1st class - you are finished your reading book so if you have any other reading books at home you can read those or perhaps use one of your library books as a reading book,
                 2nd class - pg 30 - 34

Tables - (-10)
English in Practice - pg 60 and 61
Mental Maths - Week 31
Spellings - both classes - bubble, rabbit, attic, bottle, little, bottom, meat, only.
               - extra for 2nd class - ribbon, sobbed, better, letter, cotton, mutton, per, wild.

For those of you on a different spelling list - cane, dane, lane, mane, pane, sane, vane, wane.

Anyone wishing to do extra can put the words into sentences.
SESE - CJFallon website - 2nd class - Small World - pg 76/77. Read and answer the questions. 1st class can answer the questions orally.
Life Cycle of the Butterfly is on page 81 of the same book. Draw out the life cycle on a page/copy.
Art - Draw and colour or paint a picture of a butterfly.

I hope this will keep you busy for a few days. Any problems, feel free to contact me. Remember to get outside for fresh air and exercise when the weather is nice. Be nice, be kind and be helpful. Most important  - stay safe.
Katrina Coyne

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