Saturday 16 May 2020

Communion Class 2020

Good morning First Communion Class of 2020,
Today, 16th May should have been your Big Day. Unfortunately, due to the current pandemic, your Big Day has been postponed. I know some of you may be feeling a little disappointed today and that is understandable. I am a little sad for you too. However, it is important to remember that it is not cancelled, just postponed. While we don't know when exactly it will happen, it will happen. You will have your Big Day. You will get to celebrate with  your families and friends. You will be able to get all dressed up and have a great day. In years to come you will be able to tell a story about your First Communion that no one else will have told - how you had to postpone your day so that the people you love could be kept safe.
I know some of you are perhaps planning on doing something special today to mark the occasion. Spend time with your family, do something together. It's difficult, you may think, because you can't go anywhere, but it's the little things. Have a meal together, ring a grandparent or a godparent, write a letter to someone about how you are feeling. Talk to Mammy or Daddy about how you are feeling because this should have been a special day for them as well. To see your child on their First Communion Day is a big deal for Mammys and Daddys. So they will understand if you are feeling a little sad as they are probably feeling the same.
So do something nice today. Remember your day will come and like I said it will be all the more reason to celebrate when the time does come. I will be thinking of each one of you today. I know what a mature group of boys and girls you are and that you will look to the future and know that someday you will have your First Communion Day.
Happy what should have been your First Communion Day!
Thinking of you all
Katrina Coyne

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