Thursday, 27 August 2020

Welcome back 1st & 2nd class


Dear Parents of 1st & 2nd class children,

I hope you are all well and looking forward to our return to school. I know I am. I am excited about welcoming back my 2nd class and welcoming my new 1st class. 

I understand that some of you children and parents may be feeling a little apprehensive or anxious about coming back and that is only natural. It will certainly be a return to school like no other year!!


We have been working hard to ensure that our classrooms and our school are safe environments and adhering to all the guidelines. You will already have received lots of information from Mrs.Ginty on the school website.


- The classroom has been deep cleaned by professional cleaners as has the entire school.

- There is a sanitising station on entry to the classrooms and also at the toilets in the classroom.

- All the staff have worked hard over the summer and reconfigured all of the available space in our school.

- The classroom has been cleared of all unnecessary items and children will be well spaced out and have plenty of room.

- There will be a basket on each child's table for their own belongings - books, folders, copies etc.

- Teachers' desks have perspex screens which will enable children to approach in a safe manner.

- Children may bring their own mini sanitiser and/or wipes(labelled), if they wish and keep it in their baskets.

- Children can bring in lunch boxes and drinks as normal which they will keep in their bags.

- There will be no formal homework for the first few weeks to allow children to settle back into school life.

- Classrooms will be cleaned to a high standard daily.

- Our class will finish school each day at 2.40pm. You will have already received information about this.


What can you do to help?

- Can you please ensure that ALL your child's belongings are labelled including jumpers and coats. This is imperative this year.

- Ensure your child's uniform is clean each day. It would be advisable to change child out of uniform each day after school until next morning. Washing uniforms regularly is at your own discretion.

- Please ensure lease and photocopying money of 50 euro is in an envelope clearly labelled. This money must be paid next week as requested due to the costs of extra textbooks and materials to be purchased this year. Mrs. Ginty and Mrs. Finlay will be in charge of this next week. 

- If you need to contact me during school hours send me in a written message with your child or leave a message with Mrs. Finlay and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


It is completely normal for your child or indeed you to be feeling anxious about returning to school. To be fair, all we have heard for the last few months is Covid.

As adults, we all need to reassure children that we are working very hard to keep them safe and they do not need to worry. They need to come back to school, have fun, learn new things and follow the simple Covid rules that will be explained to them by their teacher. 


Children have been absolutely fantastic through all of this. They have done what has been asked from them, doing their work, staying away from friends and being very good. They should be very proud of themselves and know that they have helped to suppress the virus.


I look forward to seeing all the boys and girls on Tuesday. It will be different and perhaps a little strange and emotional. But we will all adapt very quickly.

Kind Regards

Katrina Coyne