Sunday, 24 May 2020

May 25th - 29th

Good morning boys and girls,
Well done to you all on another week of great work. Thank you to all of you who have sent in work. I have answered most of your emails. There are one or two I haven't got round to yet but I will. If you haven't heard anything back from me by tomorrow evening please let me know as my internet seems to be playing up a little bit out here in the sticks!!
Here is your work for this week:
Reading - 1st class - pg 18 - 22
              - 2nd class - pg 2 - 6 Bedtime Stories - you will find this book on the CJFallon website - 2nd class - English - Rainbow Stage 2 - Bedtime Stories - Core Reader 6.
Tables - revise all subtraction tables
English in Practice - pg 68 & 69
Mental Maths - Week 35

Planet Maths - 1st class - Try pages 59, 60, 61, 69, 70, 71
                      - 2nd class - Try pages 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 71

English Skills Book - 1st class - pages 42, 43, 44, 45, 46
                                 - 2nd class - pages 43, 44, 45, 46, 47  These books go with your reading books so you may need to look back at the books to get some of the answers.

We are finished our set spelling lists for the year. I am not setting any SESE or SPHE for this week as I think there is a good bit of work here with the Planet Maths and the Skills Books. For anyone who wants to do a little extra, by all means have a look at the Small World books on CJFallon website and choose something yourself or if you want to continue with the Irish from last week please do so but there is no pressure. Let me know if I can help with anything. I know many of you are using your time to do things that you might not normally get to do, like baking, writing letters to friends, learning a new skill, riding a bike. That is great too. Try to keep reading lots and get some fresh air and exercise. Have a good week.
Mrs. Katrina Coyne

Sunday, 17 May 2020

May 18th - 22nd

Good morning boys and girls,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Well done on another week of 'distance learning'. Thank you to all of you who sent me work and other activities that you have been doing. I love hearing your stories and what you are getting up to. I'm looking forward to hearing from you all again later on in the week.
Here is your work for this week.
Reading - 1st class - pages 13 - 17
              -  2nd class  - pages 44 - 48
Tables - revise all subtraction tables
English in Practice - pages 66 & 67
Mental Maths - Week 34
Spellings - both classes - red, led, bled, fled, liked, cooked, played, walked.
                - extra for 2nd class - lifted, needed, skated, wanted, after, blood, pole, site.
Write sentences for some of the words.
For those on a different spelling list - chat, chap, chip, chin, chew, chop, chum, chug.
For those on a different reading book - read the next 5 pages
SESE - CJFallon website - 1st class Small World - page 92 Egyptian Hieroglyphics  - read
                                                                               - page 93 Use the Hieroglyphics to write your own name, perhaps the names of people in your family. Try writing a sentence using them.
                                                                               - page 95 Animals in hot and cold places - read and write out the sentences. If you would like to do extra work, you could research another animal e.g. camel and write about it.
SPHE - CJFallon website - 2nd class - Mindful Matters 2 - pg 22 - Talk about what the child being bullied in each picture should do.
If anyone wants to do some Irish(there is no pressure to do this), you can stay on the CJFallon website, click on 1st class - Gaeilge - Leigh sa Bhaile - Leigh sa Bhaile A - pg 23 - oral work, if children want to draw the pictures and write the sentence.
Parents - just a reminder, if the work is causing any undue stress to your child or to you, leave it. The last thing we want is for families to be more stressed than they already are as these are very stressful times. Have a good week. Stay safe.
Mrs. Katrina Coyne

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Communion Class 2020

Good morning First Communion Class of 2020,
Today, 16th May should have been your Big Day. Unfortunately, due to the current pandemic, your Big Day has been postponed. I know some of you may be feeling a little disappointed today and that is understandable. I am a little sad for you too. However, it is important to remember that it is not cancelled, just postponed. While we don't know when exactly it will happen, it will happen. You will have your Big Day. You will get to celebrate with  your families and friends. You will be able to get all dressed up and have a great day. In years to come you will be able to tell a story about your First Communion that no one else will have told - how you had to postpone your day so that the people you love could be kept safe.
I know some of you are perhaps planning on doing something special today to mark the occasion. Spend time with your family, do something together. It's difficult, you may think, because you can't go anywhere, but it's the little things. Have a meal together, ring a grandparent or a godparent, write a letter to someone about how you are feeling. Talk to Mammy or Daddy about how you are feeling because this should have been a special day for them as well. To see your child on their First Communion Day is a big deal for Mammys and Daddys. So they will understand if you are feeling a little sad as they are probably feeling the same.
So do something nice today. Remember your day will come and like I said it will be all the more reason to celebrate when the time does come. I will be thinking of each one of you today. I know what a mature group of boys and girls you are and that you will look to the future and know that someday you will have your First Communion Day.
Happy what should have been your First Communion Day!
Thinking of you all
Katrina Coyne

Sunday, 10 May 2020

May 11th - 15th

Hello boys and girls,
I hope you are all well. I want to say thank you and well done to all of you who sent work to me this week. I have responded to all of you and I hope you found my feedback useful.

Work for this week is as follows:
Reading  - 1st class - pages 8 - 12
               - 2nd class - pages 39 - 43
Tables - Revise all addition tables
English in Practice - pages 64 & 65
Mental Maths - Week 33
Spellings - Both classes - mess, chess, dress, unless, kiss, grass, moss, Swiss
                - 2nd class - gossip, hissed, lesson, tissue, about, begin, floor, spoke

For those on a different spelling list - dine, fine, line, mine, nine, pine, vine, wine.
SESE - CJFallon website -
                      - Small World - 1st class - page 90. Science - Common Irish Birds.
Draw out and write the names of the birds.
                                                             - page 91. Geography - Talk about the new words at the top of the page. Write out the words and try to draw pictures for the words(I do know this will be hard, so just do a few). For anyone that is able to print off the pages, label the picture.
SPHE - CJFallon website - 2nd class - SPHE - Mindful Matters 2 - page 21 - Feeling Safe.
                                          - talk about the pictures - what makes you feel safe/unsafe. Draw a picture of a place where you feel safe and maybe write why it makes you feel this way.
Art - Draw or paint a picture of your favourite bird OR you could let your imagination run wild and draw or paint a picture of a completely imaginary bird.
I look forward to seeing some of your work later on in the week. Apologies if I don't respond on the same day but I will respond as soon as I can.
As always, be good, be kind, be helpful and keep staying safe.
Mrs. Katrina Coyne

Monday, 4 May 2020

May 5th - 8th

Good morning boys and girls.
I can't believe it is May already. We should be doing our artwork for your First Communion 2nd class, this week. However, as you will know by now, we have been told that we will not be back at school before September now. This is very disappointing. I miss seeing your faces in the mornings. We will have to continue with this way of learning for the rest of the school year.
Thank you to all of you who have been in touch with me via email. It is lovely to hear from you and to see how you are getting on with your work. Please continue to stay in touch and send me pictures of your work and I will reply to you. Here is your work for the week.

Reading - 1st class - your next reading book is on the CJFallon website - click on 1st class, English, Rainbow Stage 2, The School Trip - Core Reader 3, online book and read pages 4 - 7
              - 2nd class - page 35 - 38
Tables - revise all addition tables
English in Practice - page 62 &63
Mental Maths - Week 32
Spellings for both classes - off, huff, cliff, stiff, yell, smell, house, know
              extra for 2nd class - puff, stuff, coffee, toffee, chill, silly, sound, tube
For those on a different spelling list - bone, cone, tone, zone, scone, stone, drone, clone
Put some of these words in sentences.
SESE - Science - CJFallon website - 1st class - Small World - pg 84 - Irish Wildflowers
                                                                                                 - pg 85 - Summer
            -  Write out the flowers and draw pictures. Write out the sentences about Summer and to challenge yourself write a few sentences of your own about Summer.
Art - Draw and colour or paint a vase with some of the Irish Wildflowers in it. You could even make some of the flowers using egg cartons and pipe cleaners or straws if you want to. It all depends on what you have in your house.

For extra reading try these websites -

PE - Get some exercise and fresh air especially when the weather is nice, its up to you what kind. Skipping, throwing and catching a ball, kicky-ups, walking, running, cycling.

As always, be kind, be nice to each other, be helpful and above all stay safe.
Katrina Coyne