Sunday 14 June 2020

Virtual School Tour June 15th - 19th

Hello boys and girls,
Well done to you all on a great weeks work! Imagine this is the end of the school year. It's hard to believe we are at this stage. It has been a very strange and very different school year and one I am sure we will not forget. You have all done a great job keeping up with all the work. I know it can't have been easy. For this week, I am not setting any 'proper work'. However, if you wish to continue with your workbooks and send me work, you are more than welcome to do so. I will look at it and send corrections as normal.

This week, we would have probably been going on a school tour. So, I want you to pick a day this week, make a packed lunch and pretend it is your school tour day. Then you can go on a Virtual Tour of Dublin Zoo. I have put up a link here...….hopefully it works! Give it a go.
If you want, you can draw a picture of your favourite part or write about it.....but only if you want!

Dublin Zoo

If this doesn't work, I apologise in advance. You could type 'Dublin zoo virtual tour ' into google and get into it that way.

There are lots of workbooks on the zoo if you want to try them! Here is the link.
Here are some mindfulness colouring sheets if you are able to print them!

Zoo Mindfulness Colouring Sheets


Mrs. Katrina Coyne

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